First, here is a chart of my posts per month during the lifetime of the blog. The year of 2011 was quite regular with the exception of August and December, with an average and a median of 9 posts per month. On the other hand, there was a drop in posts during the second half of 2012. Looking back, this coincides with my renewed interest in digital games (for instance, I pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 in eary June.) I can't say I had less time for hobbies overall but I didn't put as much energy in tabletop games, as it is evident.
Here is another graph showing the whole history of posts over time, with a trend line that emphasizes the decrease in post frequency. If I ignore the last six months, I had an average of about 8 posts per month, which isn't bad, although I should strive for a little more regularity.
In terms of content, besides little personal rants like these, my posts are mostly about papercraft, (solo) battle reports and reviews, with the papercraft posts being the most popular. This makes me happy because one of my goals when I started this blog was to add more examples and ideas about gaming with paper models and miniatures.
I should note that JF's contact (by means of the "liebstar award") was also important for me to re-evaluate this blog and my involvement with the hobby. I think that the six-month break was good but I don't feel I can (nor I should) rely only on digital games for my gaming hobby.
In 2013, I intend to keep posting 4-8 times a month, meaning at least one new post per week. Given my history of posts, this seems like a viable goal. I have many games to try, models to build and a few campaign ideas so the content of the blog will remain focused in those subjects.
Over these two years of solo tabletop gaming I've learned that recording and reporting one's experiences is a significant part of the fun, from which the player can think about, create new scenarios and sometimes even reach conclusions that go beyond the scope of gaming. Although this is rewarding in itself, sharing these things through a gaming blog and discussing them with others make the experience much better. So I would like to thank all the occasional and regular readers and all other gaming bloggers.
Happy 2013 for all of us!